Volume 42, Issue 1 (2024)                   jmciri 2024, 42(1): 19-32 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (375 Views)
Background: Medical disciplinary boards, as a part of the medical system organization, are responsible for dealing with trade union and professional violations of medical professionals in order to maintain the respect and dignity of medicine in the society. Therefore, considering the importance of the performance of medical disciplinary boards in the prevention of disciplinary violations, the main purpose of this research is to investigate and analyze the nature and legal purpose of medical disciplinary boards, its components and effects.
Method: This research is of a theoretical type and the method is descriptive and analytical with a legal-medical approach. Information has been collected in a library manner and by referring to legal documents, books and articles.
Results: The findings of this research show that administrative courts, including medical disciplinary boards, have been accepted by Iranian law as a practical reality. Arguing about the existence of these courts is a useless and fruitless debate. Today’s discussions in the field of the mentioned authorities are mostly about reforming and improving their efficiency. Although the current situation of administrative courts and medical disciplinary boards is far from the desired and acceptable situation, these boards can play an important role in promoting and protecting the rights of the medical community and supporting the rights of recipients of health-related services.
Conclusion: The results of the investigation indicate that medical disciplinary boards are an example of administrative courts, which generally follow the legal system governing administrative and disciplinary courts, and they have special mechanisms and procedures in dealing with violations. The speed and simplicity of ceremonies, de-judgment, specialization, etc. are the main reasons and purpose of their existence.
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Type of Study: Review | Subject: Special

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