مجله علمی پژوهشی سازمان نظام پزشکی
Volume 35, Issue 2 (2017)                   jmciri 2017, 35(2): 130-136 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghadami A, Irajpour A, Hosseini M, Karimi A. Promotion of the Process of Changing Unrestricted Area Shoes upon Entering the Partially Restricted Area in Operation Room in the Selected Hospital of Isfahan in 2016 :An Action Research. jmciri 2017; 35 (2) :130-136
URL: http://jmciri.ir/article-1-2751-en.html
Of Nursing ( Isfahan U.M.S )
Abstract:   (4600 Views)
Introduction: Those who enter the surgery department from outside must wear the proper surgery outfits so as to put step in the partially restricted and restricted areas of the operation room. The shoes that are worn in partially and totally restricted areas should not be used in unrestricted areas because pathogenic microbes get precipitated in the shoes and are carried to OR via the shoes. The present research has been conducted for promoting the process of changing the unrestricted areas shoes upon entering the restricted and partially restricted areas.
Method and Results: This is an action research that was conducted in the selected hospital affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Health Care Services. 17 people were chosen from among the OR staffs using access method. The data were collected via questionnaires the validity and consistency of which were proven. For this study a quadruple pragmatic cycle (problem recognition, problem assessment, planning for solving the problem and implementation) was designed and implemented.
The degree of people’s consciousness of the existing problems, the reasons of the staff’s negligence regarding changing unrestricted area shoes upon entering the restricted areas and the strategies that are needed for the implementation of changing plan were recognized. By holding consciousness raising workshops, buying shoes, holding meetings with the supervisory bodies, providing signs and pamphlets, separating the restricted and unrestricted areas as well as the specific shoes of each area these areas will be separated.
Conclusion:  The research results show that the cooperation of staffs and supervisory bodies can promote the process of changing shoes of the restricted and unrestricted areas.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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