مجله علمی پژوهشی سازمان نظام پزشکی
Volume 37, Issue 2 (2019)                   jmciri 2019, 37(2): 102-109 | Back to browse issues page

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Designing and Validating a Questionnaire for the Health Insurance Management of the People with Mental Disorders . jmciri 2019; 37 (2) :102-109
URL: http://jmciri.ir/article-1-2908-en.html
Abstract:   (3806 Views)
Background: Identification of variables with substantial effect on providing health care insurance can lead to detect the major health indicators, which help improving the mental health care system of Iran. This study aimed to design and validate a health insurance management questionnaire to improve the care for those with mental disorders.
Methods: This research was a survey-analytical study. Books, articles and similar questionnaires were studied and a researcher-made questionnaire was developed containing 6 fields. The questionnaire was evaluated by 10 experts from relevant fields using a Delphi method. The content validity of the questionnaire was assessed using CVR and CVI indices. In 2018 a survey was conducted on 470 participants from different fields of governmental, private insurance providers and experts from the mental health fields. This was to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire. We had used alpha Cronbach coefficient to analyze the result of the survey.
Results: The findings showed that the CVR value for all questions was more than 0.62 and the total CVI of the questionnaire was 0.89. The reliability of the researcher tool was 0.931.
Conclusion: We are able to claim that the validity and reliability of our questionnaire was successfull and approved. We conclude that a researcher-made questionnaire can be used to improve health services and enhance the level of satisfaction of patients with mental disorders, if it uses the variables that affect health insurance management of those individuals.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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