مجله علمی پژوهشی سازمان نظام پزشکی
Volume 41, Issue 4 (2024)                   jmciri 2024, 41(4): 6-8 | Back to browse issues page

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Emrani R. Does the risk of unemployment threaten dentists?. jmciri 2024; 41 (4) :6-8
URL: http://jmciri.ir/article-1-3283-en.html
Dental Caries Prevention Research Center, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran
Abstract:   (1105 Views)
The socioeconomic scenario is facing dentistry at the same time as the unprecedented expansion of the number of dental schools and the excessive increase in student admissions; It has created a situation that, on the one hand, people's oral health does not feel better, nor can a good future be considered for this job. This issue leads to the loss of the main goal of the dental profession, which is to promote the health of society, and on the other hand, it will put the personal lives of dentists under economic pressure, because if a saturated market is created; Even if the dentist aims to promote oral health; under the influence of unwanted competition caused by economic pressures, it may lead to unnecessary treatments; Aesthetic and sometimes additional treatments move. The excessive increase in student admission is now under the problem of the lack of professors in the universities; The sharp drop in the educational level and the lack of educational infrastructure lead to education being lower than the acceptable standard. This study aims to investigate the impact of the current conditions with a forecast for the next ten years to see if this trend will expose the dentists of the current and future generations to the risk of unemployment.
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Type of Study: Review | Subject: General

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