مجله علمی پژوهشی سازمان نظام پزشکی
Volume 40, Issue 4 (2022)                   jmciri 2022, 40(4): 310-310 | Back to browse issues page

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Dirandeh A, Elahi A, Akbari Yazdi H. Applying a Balanced Score Card in Order to Establish the Strategic Management of Physical Education and Sports for Students of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. jmciri 2022; 40 (4) :310-310
URL: http://jmciri.ir/article-1-3236-en.html
Ph.D. Student of Physical Education- sport management
Abstract:   (1367 Views)
Background: The main goal of this research is to use a balanced score card (BSC) in
order to establish the strategic management of physical education and sports for the students of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
Methods: The present research is a strategic study, which is an applied research in terms
of the research objectives and it is a mixed type (quantitative and qualitative) in terms of
the data collection method. In the qualitative section, in order to prepare and formulate
the strategic plan, a statistical sample of 12 experts was used as members of the research
strategic council. Besides, library approaches, such as articles, books, magazines, and the
Internet were used to collect the theoretical foundations and background of the research.
In the quantitative section, the matrices of strategic studies, including the Internal Factor
Evaluation (IFE) Matrix and External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) were used for ranking opinions and strategies in Expert Choice
and SPSS software for data analysis.
Results: In the present research, a balanced scorecard was used to evaluate the performance and implementation of strategies, and AHP hierarchical analysis was used for
evaluating the importance and weight of the strategies of each aspect. Based on the balanced scorecard, four aspects of internal management, infrastructure development and
income generation, culture promotion, and development of public sports and championship sports were identified as the main aspects of physical education and sports for
students of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. In addition, based on the
results of this study, 10 strategies, 30 goals, 39 measures, and 45 actions were obtained.
Conclusion: Based on the SWOT analysis, a total of ten strategies, including two SO
strategies, three WO strategies, two WT strategies, and three ST strategies were developed
for physical education and sports for the students of the Ministry of Health and Medical
Education, which include: strengthening the relationship between education and sports
with the approach of making it attractive in universities of medical sciences, development
and promotion of sport spaces, places, equipment, and activities through purposeful allocation and distribution of funds, development of income generation plans through sports
competitions and events, extracurricular sports courses, promotional measures and financial support, strengthening relationship between the Ministry of Health and Medical Education with other institutions in order to participate and link with them for the active
living/empowerment and development of human resources, physical training and sports,
purposefulness in sending and hosting national sports competitions and events, student
and international sports, developing and applying sports research with a research-oriented
approach, setting up and creating a database for recording and storing health and physical
activity information of individuals, developing and strengthening sports talent search projects in universities of medical sciences with the help of the Ministry of Youth and Sports,
promoting interaction with prominent coaches, leagues, and club
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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