مجله علمی پژوهشی سازمان نظام پزشکی
Volume 40, Issue 3 (2022)                   jmciri 2022, 40(3): 233-234 | Back to browse issues page

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Ranjbarzadeh A, Shobeiri S M, Rezaei M. Designing the Model of Integrated Education of Environment and Health During the Corona DiseasePandemic: a Grounded Theory Study. jmciri 2022; 40 (3) :233-234
URL: http://jmciri.ir/article-1-3203-en.html
Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (903 Views)
Background: The purpose of this qualitative research is to identify the dimensions and components of the model of integrated education of environment and health in the era of corona disease pandemic. Methods: The current research method is a qualitative type of grounded theory (systematic approach). For this purpose, theoretical sampling and in-depth interviews with experts were used and the interviews continued until theoretical saturation was reached. In order to analyze the data, an open, central and selective coding system was used. Results: Data analysis showed that causal conditions from 5 main categories (audiences, educational and curriculum planning, teacher, needs assessment, how to implement integrated education); core phenomenon from 2 main categories (education method and competence), strategy from 5 main categories (participation, general and basic education, institution building, evaluation of effectiveness and trust building), environmental conditions from 4 main categories (public sector, environmental management, environment educational and social and cultural conditions), background characteristics from 5 main categories (infrastructural conditions, management, financing, culture and legal guarantee) and outcomes from 4 main categories (competency impro1vement, environmental effects, health effects and economic effects) Composed. Conclusion: The results showed that the integrated education of environment and health in the era of corona virus pandemic should pay attention to the components and framework extracted from this article in the form of a paradigm model.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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